Archive for MySpace

Social Networking Sites

Posted in personal, point of view with tags , , , , , on May 2, 2009 by MidnightSun

Yes we have heard of these types of sites where you can interact with people all over the world with just a click of mouse and a peck of a keyboard. The three biggest, MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter.  These website become the most popular thing among teenages, young adults, and even some in their early 30s, hint, hint, love you too sis!

I started out using MySpace for awhile then I got wind of the Facebook trend and I just recently got wind of Twitter and starting using that networking site. Of all these, my favorite would have to be Facebook and Twitter and I am never on MySpace anymore.

If you start using these sites, please be careful with what you post such as pictures and who you talk to, especially if you are a teenager because you never know who could be watching because once you post it online, you can’t take it back.